Update: This previously scheduled event is more timely today given the challenges our campus and community face that are connected to global warming. The speakers will provide suggestions for the way forward and Victoria Mora, UWC-USA’s president, will provide a brief update on the “State of the School” at the beginning of the session.
UWC-USA is sponsoring a distinguished Alumni Speaker Series event focused on sustainability featuring two alumni with deep experience in sustainability policy and practice. Aurelio Ramos ’91 is senior vice president for Audubon Americas where he oversees partnerships and conservation teams throughout the Americas and Caribbean. Bhushan Tuladhar ’87 is an environmental engineer with wide experience implementing sustainable policy and projects in his native Nepal.
UWC-USA president Victoria Mora and Katrin Scholz-Barth, UWC-USA’s new sustainability manager, will facilitate a conversation that features the work of these remarkable alumni and that explores the ways the UWC mission calls all of us – from Montezuma to Cape Town – to live more sustainably.
This online event is free and open to the public.
Date: May 10, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm
Register for the event below: